Tuesday 5 January 2010

WEEK 4: Video responses

Here are some interesting video responses about how the world is changing because of digital environments becoming more assessable to people. 
There exists a paradox in the fact that digital environments can resemble a more humane and diverse way to manage, communicate, share, create and govern in contrast to cases of individual users who devote the majority of their time to online socialising in opposed to physical socialising. Maybe to the detriment of their physical health? I don't know, but I say this because we have bodies to use them to express and move ourselves. Having said this, thanks to mobile technologies it is easier now than ever before for us to be online all while your moving and do so all day with out must physical hindrance. 
We are able to make independent rational decisions about our future and the internet offers us more access to one another and to old or new information. We invented the internet and it is by nature generative and based on sharing circuits and data so it goes with out saying that 'the machine' to some extent is us and that we are it. 

The user interface (also known as human computer interface or man-machine interface (MMI)) is the aggregate of means by which people—the usersinteract with thesystem—a particular machine, device, computer program or other complex tool. The user interface provides means of:

  • Input, allowing the users to manipulate a system
  • Output, allowing the system to indicate the effects of the users' manipulation.

Here is an extract from his homepage: 


Why relationships are central to innovative public services solutions: a state of relationships

The Art of With : draft of my essay for Cornerhouse, Manchester can be downloaded here

The Art of With is about whether the web is creating a more open, participative and collaborative approach to culture and art, and whether that is a good thing.

You can also download the essay, comment on the draft and make your own point at the Cornerhouse site - www.cornerhouse.org/theartofwith

My long draft response to the British government's Digital Britain report can be downloaded here

The Search for a New Capitalism: a speculative essay for The Spectator, can be found here"

There is no stopping internet use, or preventing the encouragement for more participants to use it. I think it definitely is an open, participative and collaborative approach to culture and art. People are curious about each other and the internet allows them to discover more about what was previously inaccessible.  It has physically effected more people than any other medium and some of the innovations people have created on it are extremely clever, interactive and fun to use. I do not consider it the MOST OPEN participative and collaborative approach to culture and art, for starters one needs a means to be online (but this can be done through an affordable hand-held devise). I consider it rivaled by real-life physical interactive events and arts. These may not summon the same audiences that are online (due to the sheer volume of that audience) nor does live physical work need the same type of cunning required to make the most the diverse digital medium, but live physical collaborative events are very important as they demand a tactile, tangible, 3-Dimensional dexterity that only yields rewards upon physical experiences of such concrete things. 
Of course these two combined, the internet allowing a means to spread real-life events is currently the whole point. Recorded online broadcasts of important events or collaborative arts are one of the great attractions the internet offers us, and is one of the reasons why we turn to it. Its ability to facilitate communication and the variety of ways in which we can do this makes it collaborative and participative.

Whether the internet's influence is a good thing or not is an important to consider. In essence it is and was designed to enable the transfer on information (e.g. data or ideas) and it one we should definitely endeavor to improve and maintain. The information we share (e.g. Ideas) has however more profound implications on individuals now than because of their meaning. As people grow closer to the internet and its use spreads further and faster this is increasingly the case. What ever your view on the matter may be, the fact is that this technology will not cease to grow. People want to use it because we want to know about the other things people are doing, be it art, events, organisations, trivia or an important discovery. A good out come would work in our favor, so its in our best interest to encourage open and positive use. 

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